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Bet on yourself, work hard, and never quit. Ever.

I always love when I see this picture show up in my memories....

8 years ago I rolled the dice and made a bold move.

I had a strong desire to move to Miami. I didn't really know anyone there, I just felt like it is where I wanted to live. So I found a room for rent on Craigslist, quit my job in Atlanta, packed everything that would fit in my car and I moved to Miami. I had no job, lots of credit card debt from putting myself through college, and just enough money in the bank for a couple of months of living expenses. 

However, I had what I needed - a tenacious spirit and a determination to succeed.

A few weeks after my move, I interviewed for a sales position with Comcast Business and was hired in as a Senior Business Account Executive. I had a telecom sales background, but no knowledge of the market. Thankfully Jonathan Tucker took a chance on me and gave me an opportunity to join his team. 

As I signed the offer letter, I knew I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.  And for me, failure was not an option.

A couple of months into my new role, I was awarded these two certificates.  One was for being Rookie of the Month in sales attainment, and the second was for achieving 150% to quota in 2 categories.  8 years later, I still have these two certificates. 


Because it is a reminder that if you believe in something and work hard enough, you can achieve it.  You may feel like the odds are stacked against you at times, but you must get up and hustle. Every. Single. Day.  Hard work does pay off and you will reap what you sow in due time.

So, if you are out there hustling, keep going.  Don’t get lost in the desire for immediate gratification.  Progress can be made each and every day, and the sum of your efforts will add up. When you feel like quitting, make one more phone call, send one more email. Give something five more minutes of your attention and focus.

And if you have the opportunity to give someone a chance or help someone along their journey, do it.  Never underestimate the impact you can have in someone’s life. 

By sharing this, I hope I have inspired or motivated someone reading it.  And if so, please pay it forward. 

We are all trying to navigate life and it can be brutal at times, let’s help each other out when we can. 


Holly B.


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